What are the treatm...
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What are the treatments of Insomnia?

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Hi, I’ve been suffering from insomnia for the past year. What are the effective treatments to cure insomnia?

Mindskipper reacted
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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 6

I’m sorry to hear that you’re dealing with insomnia. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice, but here are some general treatments that could be effective:

  1. Medication: Certain sleeping pills like Eszopiclone, Zaleplon, Zolpidem can be used, but they can be addictive and should be used carefully. In rare cases, a supplement called Melatonin is given(only under certified medical practitioner only)

  2. Therapy: Techniques like breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and yoga can improve sleep quality. Stimulus control therapy, which helps restore quality sleep, can also be beneficial.

  3. Diet: Consuming certain foods like dairy products, poultry, seafood, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and grains can help. It’s recommended to avoid caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol, and certain water-containing foods like watermelon and celery.

  4. Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, staying active, checking your medications, avoiding or limiting naps, and making your bedroom comfortable can help.

  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): This is generally recommended as the first line of treatment for people with insomnia. It helps you control or eliminate negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake.

    Remember, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any treatment. They can provide a diagnosis and recommend treatments based on your specific situation. Specialists who treat insomnia include sleep medicine specialists, psychiatrists, and neurologists.

    Please note that this information is general in nature, and individual health concerns may vary. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personal medical advice.


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